Equipment Information
Price: $5,700
Location: North Augusta, SC
Unit Number: 91011599
Unit Address:
City: North Augusta
State: SC - South Carolina
Trailer has 1 flat tire and the other are old .
VIN | 1S12E953XYE456551 |
Make | STRICK |
Category | VAN |
Type of Unit | Van |
Year | 2000 |
Total Capacity | 20.000 |
Compartments | 1 |
Category | VAN |
In Transit Heat | No |
Type of Suspension | Spring |
Insulated | No |
Lined | No |
Audible Air Leaks | No |
Unit Drivable | No |
Needs Towed | No |
Last DOT Inspection | 2024-01-08 |
Out of Service Date | 2024-01-09 |