Equipment Information
Price: $10,000
Location: Curtis Bay, MD
Unit Number: 205279
Unit Address:
City: Curtis Bay
State: MD - Maryland
Unit was involved in a rollover. Holes have been drilled into the side of each compartment so that fuel could be pumped off. Top left corner of tanker was breached and was leaking fuel.
VIN | 5HTAB4429X7H62146 |
Make | Heil |
Category | PETROLEUM |
Type of Unit | DOT406AL |
Year | 1999 |
Total Capacity | 9200 |
Compartments | 5 |
Category | PETROLEUM |
In Transit Heat | No |
Type of Suspension | Spring |
Insulated | No |
Lined | No |
Audible Air Leaks | Yes |
Unit Drivable | No |
Needs Towed | Yes |
Last DOT Inspection | 2023-06-05 |
Out of Service Date | 2023-06-24 |